Pure Cranberry Jelly 200 ml
  • Pure Cranberry Jelly 200 ml
  • Pure Cranberry Jelly 200 ml
  • Pure Cranberry Jelly 200 ml

Pure Cranberry Jelly 212 ml

For fresh and natural spreads!

At your place within 72 hours

Product information


Cranberry jelly has a sweet-tart and slightly tangy taste. The tartness of cranberries is balanced by the added sugar during preparation.


Cranberry jelly has a smooth and gelled texture. It does not contain whole cranberry pieces.


Cranberry jelly has a vibrant red color. The color may vary slightly depending on the variety of cranberries used and the amount of sugar added.


The basic ingredients of cranberry jelly are cranberry juice, sugar, and water.


Cranberry jelly can be used in various ways:

  • Spread: on bread, pancakes, waffles, bagels, etc.
  • Topping: for desserts like pies, cakes, muffins, etc.
  • Accompaniment: For cold meats, cheese, etc.

Potential Health Benefits:

  • Cranberry jelly is a good source of vitamin C.
  • Cranberries contain antioxidants that can help protect against damage caused by free radicals.
  • Cranberry jelly may help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Storage Tips:

  • Cranberry jelly can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 1 year.
  • After opening, cranberry jelly should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 6 months.

Differences between cranberry jam and jelly:

  • Jam contains whole or chopped fruit pieces, while jelly is a smooth and gelled preparation that does not contain fruit pieces.
  • Jam has a thicker texture than jelly.
  • Jam is typically sweeter than jelly.